There are sixteen sets of initials that are shared by two or more world champions. (As an example, “J.M.” for Jorge Martinez and Joan Mir) How many of the other fifteen sets of initials can you come up with?
Here is the full list:
HA – Haruchika Aoki/Hiroshi Aoyama/Hugh Anderson/Hans-Georg Anscheint
KC – Kel Carruthers/Keith Campbell
LC – Loris Capirossi/Luca Cadalora
MD – Mick Doohan/Mike Di Meglio
DK – Danny Kent/Daijiro Kato
MH – Mike Hailwood/Manuel Herreros
ML – Marco Lucchinelli/Mario Lega
EL – Eddie Lawson/Eugenio Lazzarini/Enrico Lorenzetti
AM – Anton Mang/Alex Marquez
JM – Joan Mir/Jorge Martinez
MM -Marc Marquez/Marco Melandri
TP – Tom Phillis/Tarquinio Provini
KR – Kenny Roberts/Kenny Roberts Jr
CS – Casey Stoner/ChristianSarron/Cecil Sandford
JS – Jarno Saarinen/John Surtees/Julian Simon
KS – Kevin Schwantz/Kazuto Sakata
Nice work your ‘Statsness’ 🙂
We see this but never make the connection 🙂